Please enjoy! (can't guarantee for accuracy though) I found Tsubasa's interview kind of touching, so I decided to translate it and share it with you. Also, it features two pages on TH “incidents”, with Tokui and Yama-chan discussing various incidents over TH history and an introduction of the T20 house and members.
Shion okamoto interview translation full#
Go to the /books for full IFOA coverage.I managed to get hold of the new issue of CanCam, which features a Terrace House special including interviews with Seina, Tsubasa and Han-san, a group interview with Han-san, Hikaru, Hayato and Yuuki, and two beauty advice interviews with Ami and Niki. On Friday at 6:30 p.m., the three will also attend “Japanese and Canadian Writers in Conversation” at the Japan Foundation, 131 Bloor St. Shibata will appear with author Hiromi Kawakami and poet Hiromi Ito on a panel, “Found In Translation,” on Sunday at 4 p.m. He’s not appreciated as much as he should be, even in Canada. On the other hand, one Canadian author I admire, Eric McCormack, he should be known better here. Some of her books have been translated but they are not widely known. Even Alice Munro is not very well known in Japan. And we need to know more about Canadian authors. He’s a very well-respected author here, very much admired but his voice is really hard to put across in translation, so he is not appreciated as much as he should be in Japan or other countries. And like fine wine, some translations travel well and some do not. Q: What sort of translated books are most popular in Japan?Ī: Well, since Haruki Murakami, people have been interested in literature from North America.
Shion okamoto interview translation software#
But technology is really incredible so other translation software might become really good. I’m 58 now, so I think I’ll be OK in my lifetime. But since I’m only part-time, if I manage two books a year, that’s great.Ī: A few years, I worried that translators might become useless in a decade or so. If I can work eight hours a day, it would be two weeks for the first draft, the first big revision one week, and the final revision another week. Q: How long does it take you to translate one book?Ī: If I’m not doing anything else, I can do it in a month. like some Japanese haiku, when you translate into English you lose the rhythm, and in translation it’s just about a frog jumping into a pond - so what? If you cannot translate some crucial element - an important wordplay or the rhythm. It’s different with poetry, because it’s much shorter. But a novel - or even a short story - is made up of so much information: if it’s a good one, even if you lose some elements, what’s important gets across. You always use your own language in a slightly unnatural way. Sometimes the translation from English to Japanese reads very much like translation, because you keep too many pronouns. In Japanese, you drop it whenever you can.

In English, you say ‘I’ or ‘you’ all the time. Q: Is there anything particularly difficult to tackle when translating from English to Japanese?Ī: The word order is so different from one language to another, especially western languages to Japanese. But at least I can be sure I’m passionate about the book I’m translating - I don’t make a living through translating, I teach at the university, so I can afford to translate only the books I like. If you think really seriously about it, you can’t do it. And in a way, as far as translation is concerned, the book is more important that the author.Ī: Yes, you can kill the book or make it alive. And for readers, the book is all they have. I never ask them, ‘what did you want to convey in this passage?’ or ‘what’s this novel about?’ because, as a translator I’m a sort of representative reader. I limit myself to mostly technical questions. But one of the nicest things about translating contemporary authors is that you can talk to the author. Q: How do you begin to translate a book? Do you consult with the author?Ī: Not necessarily - I mean if you are translating Shakespeare, you can’t communicate with him.